My elected representatives



  • Learn about the different elected representatives in different democratic institutions.


During this activity participants will look for information – notably online – to learn about their different elected representatives in the different democratic institutions.

This activity can be done after the activity 1.1 Who should we contact about issues we care about? in order to make a link between the issues that the students brought up, the democratic structures that are responsible for those issues and the elected representatives who serve there.



50 mins


  • Annexe :
  • Variants and Extensions

    • Proposer aux participant.e.s d’illustrer leurs recherches avec des images (photos des élu.e.s, logo des partis)
    • Si vous avez fait l’activité 1.1, proposer aux participant.e.s d’associer les élu.e.s avec les causes qu’ils ont choisies.

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